I've done it. I wrote a law. I'm assuming Butler County Progressive PAC is going to ask me to run against John Boehner in the upcoming 2014 midterm elections. I await my formal request.
Here's that thing I made:
Sec. 923.16(a) - Private Industrial Waste Treatment Facilities, of
Codified Ordinances of the City of Oxford, Ohio, Title III, Chapter 923 -
Sewers and Sewage Disposal
there is concern about the potential for waste being injected into the
ground within the confines of the city and being harmful to its citizens
and the environment; and
municipalities have the power and responsibility to enact laws
preserving public health, safety, and welfare of the municipality and
its citizens; and
WHEREAS, officials are unable to assess the risks to the public health, safety, and welfare of injected waste; and
WHEREAS, the guarantee of safety to public drinking water cannot be adequately affirmed in areas of deep injection wells; and
the City is located near the Great Miami Buried Valley Aquifer, which
is recognized nationally as an important source of regional drinking
water; and
WHEREAS, there is a preponderance to localized seismic activity in areas of deep injection; and
WHEREAS, there is need to expressly prohibit waste disposal by injection into any land within the City; now, therefore
It is recommended to the Council of the City of Oxford, State of Ohio:
Section 1. That Section 923.16(a) - Private Industrial Waste
Treatment Facilities, of Codified Ordinances of the City of Oxford,
Ohio, Title III, Chapter 923 - Sewers and Sewage Disposal, be modified
as follows:
In lieu of introducing untreated or partially treated industrial wastes
and polluted waters in the sanitary sewers of the City, the owner of
premises producing such wastes may construct and operate at his expense
private waste treatment facilities, with the effluent discharged to a
natural outlet, provided such facilities are constructed and operated in
compliance with Ohio R.C. 6111. Discharge shall not mean injection into any land by well or otherwise, which shall be prohibited on any land in the city.
Section 2. That existing Section 923.16(a) of Chapter 923 of Title III
of Codified Ordinances of the City of Oxford, Ohio be repealed.
Anyways, tonight I present it to the Oxford Environmental Commission for critique and general feedback. I'm not scared they're gonna tear it apart or anything... not at all...
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